Thanks for stopping by! God bless:)
]]>Thanks & Regards
]]>Thanks, that would be a great blog. I’ll write that down. I mess up so much but one thing I do realize is that it really makes me compassionate to others who are in sin. I have a lot more sympathy.
Thanks again for sharing that!
]]>Mmm, a blog post here? 🙂
Thanks for the compliments. wb
]]>Thanks Warren! LOL, I’ve done the same thing many, many, many times. 🙂
Thanks for the compliment! You are a great writer. I loved your blog on Proverbs 31 wife. Thanks for all you do.
]]>You are a good writer and do such a good job of combining theology and behavior.
]]>Hi Jack! Great comment! Jesus is the perfect example. Thanks for sharing.
]]>Thank you Luther!
Great comment…meek does not equal weak. Thanks for sharing!
Blessings to you:)
]]>We are not to be doormats and meek does not equal weak…Our example, Jesus Christ, was meek and loving but no where would His life demonstrate weakness. When our brethren in the faith wrong us, or we wrong them, we are to go to them with the spirit of reconciliation, for we are all one body.
God bless and Keep the Faith