Hi Brandy,
I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that when I read it. I think what Mark was saying is that we need to strive to come up higher to let those characteristics of Christ shine through us. Of course, we always won’t act perfect. Just this last weekend, I failed miserably and in fact, that’s why I wanted to post this message from Mark’s blog. It’s a great reminder that others are watching us and we need to not just talk the talk, but walk the walk. Of course, we can do nothing without Christ, but we can walk in His fruits with His power.
I’m sure that is what Mark was trying to say in this message. Sometimes our words don’t always get perceived the way we intended them to. Sorry about that. I agree with your message. I always remember Joyce Meyer saying that she led Bible studies in short shorts whole blowing smoke in everyone’s face, and it was actually anointed. God met her where she was at the time. Thank God that He knows how to change us:)
Thanks for your comment!
Blessings to you:)